The Joomla Training Cohort has been launched!

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The Referrer Policy Header gives you control over what site path information is passed along to other sites when you visitors click an external link.



00:01 - Introduction and Music

01:05 - Introduction by Tim Davis, mentioning the focus on security headers for Joomla sites, sponsored by

01:25 - Sponsorship message for, offering free site audits and management tools.

01:57 - Overview of the series on security headers and its relevance to site management.

02:26 - Demonstrating the use of for site audits and security checks.

03:03 - Explanation of the Referrer Policy header and its role in controlling information leakage when visitors click off-site links.

04:07 - Reference to Scott Helme's detailed explanation on Referrer Policy.

04:42 - Practical demonstration of editing the .htaccess file to implement the Referrer Policy header.

05:24 - Syntax and setup instructions for the Referrer Policy header in .htaccess.

06:03 - Example policies like 'no-referrer' and 'strict-origin'.

06:35 - Importance of using Referrer Policy to control information flow, especially between HTTP and HTTPS sites.

07:16 - Discussion on security implications and best practices.

07:52 - Considerations for using Referrer Policy to require SSL certificates for sending referrer information.

08:28 - Overview of other policy options available.

09:12 - Checking the implementation using's site audit tool.

09:48 - Closing remarks, encouraging subscription and engagement with the channel.

10:34 - Additional comments on client proposals and including security headers as part of service offerings.

11:03 - Call-to-action for viewers to like and subscribe.

11:41 - Announcement of Turkish subtitles and upcoming 100th livestream event.

12:13 - Interaction with live chat, discussing subtitle translations and tools used.

13:35 - Discussion on domain registration providers like Google and GoDaddy.

14:34 - Overview of tools like Lingo Blaster for video subtitle translations.

15:18 - Continued discussion on subtitle translation and tools.

16:01 - Conclusion of subtitle tool demonstration and benefits for multilingual audiences.

16:44 - Interaction with live chat, addressing questions and comments about domain registration and hosting providers.

17:38 - Response to viewer feedback and interaction about subtitle translations.

18:24 - Continued discussion with live chat, sharing experiences with domain registrars and hosting providers.

19:15 - Further engagement with live chat, discussing Norse language and cultural references.

20:23 - Announcement of snowy weather and personal updates.

21:05 - Comments on recent website redesigns and viewer-submitted projects.

22:03 - Discussion on conflict minerals and supply chain transparency in web design.

22:53 - Appreciation and feedback on website designs shared by viewers.

23:56 - Personal health update and dietary changes discussed in context of recent medical check-up.

25:01 - Humorous anecdote about receiving medical advice in front of spouse.

25:34 - Reflection on health and dietary habits, emphasizing responsible choices.

26:20 - Continued review and feedback on website designs and content.

27:19 - Discussion on domain registration providers and user experiences with different platforms.

28:30 - Recommendation for domain registrar with focus on user interface and service.

29:38 - Continued engagement with live chat, addressing technical issues with posting links.

30:38 - Discussion on personal experiences with domain registrars and hosting providers.

31:50 - Review of recent website redesigns and appreciation for dark mode design trends.

33:01 - Exploration of Old Norse words influencing modern English vocabulary.

34:44 - Continued engagement with live chat, addressing technical issues with posting links and sharing personal anecdotes.

35:49 - Viewer-submitted project review and discussion on global service hubs.

36:54 - Announcement of upcoming livestream event and goals for the new year.

37:26 - Personal goals and reflections on project completion and organization.

38:16 - Closing remarks, encouraging engagement and interaction with future livestream events.




Certainly! Here's a summarized point-by-point overview of Tim Davis's livestream:

  • Introduction and Sponsorship
  • Introduction with music and acknowledgment of sponsorship.
  • Highlighting free site audits and management tools.
  • Topic Introduction
  • Emphasis on Joomla site security headers and their significance in site management.
  • Referrer Policy
  • Explanation of the Referrer Policy header to control information leakage from off-site links.
  • Practical demonstration of editing .htaccess for implementation.
  • Syntax examples like 'no-referrer' and 'strict-origin'.
  • Security Implications and Best Practices
  • Discussion on managing information flow between HTTP and HTTPS sites.
  • Considerations for enforcing SSL certificate requirements.
  • Overview of other available policy options.
  • Tools and Demonstrations
  • Use of for site audits and verification of security implementations.
  • Engagement and Community Interaction
  • Interaction with live chat, addressing viewer questions and comments.
  • Announcement of Turkish subtitles and upcoming livestream events.
  • Additional Topics
  • Discussion on domain registration providers and hosting platforms.
  • Personal updates, including health anecdotes and dietary reflections.
  • Exploration of Old Norse influences on modern English vocabulary.
  • Closing Remarks
  • Encouragement for viewers to subscribe and engage with future livestreams.
  • Appreciation for viewer submissions and project reviews.


Please send any feedback or bug reports or queries to;

Contact Tim Davis â–º This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joomla Training Cohort â–º

JTC has been launched and is now accepting members â–º
Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba â–º




Monday Maintenance 168

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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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