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PHP 7.4 is receiving only security updates now. This video looks at how to switch your webhosting account to run your Joomla site on PHP 8.0, which is faster than PHP 7.4 and is still benefitting from ongoing development.



00:00 Introduction

Introduction to the importance of upgrading from PHP 7.4 to a higher version.

Tim Davis introduces Maintenance Monday #212.

00:33 Sponsor Message:

Promotes, offering a free Joomla site audit and a coupon code for viewers.

01:08 Overview of PHP Versions

Explanation of PHP 7.4 no longer receiving active support.

Importance of upgrading to PHP 8.0 or 8.1 for better performance and security.

02:16 Preparing for the Upgrade

Introduction to using cPanel for managing PHP versions.

General principles applicable to other hosting environments.

02:53 Accessing MultiPHP Manager in cPanel

Demonstrates searching for and accessing MultiPHP Manager in cPanel.

Shows a list of domains and subdomains on the web hosting account.

03:30 Upgrading to PHP 8.0

Steps to change the PHP version for a specific domain.

Verifying the front end and back end functionality after the upgrade to PHP 8.0.

03:58 Attempting to Upgrade to PHP 8.1

Steps to change the PHP version to 8.1.

Encountering a 500 error and recognizing compatibility issues with Joomla 3.

04:39 Reverting to PHP 8.0

Steps to revert back to PHP 8.0 after encountering issues with PHP 8.1.

Plans to troubleshoot compatibility issues in a future video.

05:15 Conclusion and Recommendations

Encourages viewers to stop using PHP 7.4 and upgrade to PHP 8.0 or try PHP 8.1.

Highlights the benefits of upgrading, including potential speed boosts.

Call to action: subscribe, ring the bell, and like the video for more Joomla tips.




Introduction: Importance of upgrading from PHP 7.4 due to end of active support.

Sponsor Message: Promotes for Joomla site audits and management tools.

Overview of PHP Versions: PHP 7.4 no longer receiving active support, benefits of upgrading to PHP 8.0 or 8.1.

Preparing for the Upgrade: Using cPanel to manage PHP versions, applicable principles for other hosting environments.

Accessing MultiPHP Manager in cPanel: Demonstrates accessing MultiPHP Manager and listing domains and subdomains.

Upgrading to PHP 8.0: Steps to change the PHP version to 8.0 and verify functionality.

Attempting to Upgrade to PHP 8.1: Steps to change to PHP 8.1, encountering 500 errors, and recognizing compatibility issues.

Reverting to PHP 8.0: Steps to revert back to PHP 8.0 after issues with PHP 8.1, plans for future troubleshooting.

Conclusion and Recommendations: Encourages upgrading from PHP 7.4, highlights benefits like speed boosts.

Call to Action: Subscribe, ring the bell, and like the video for more Joomla tips and tutorials.

This outline provides a clear and structured breakdown of the video content, focusing on the importance of upgrading from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.0 or higher, the process to do so using cPanel, and handling potential compatibility issues.


Please send any feedback or bug reports or queries to;

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Joomla Training Cohort â–º

JTC has been launched and is now accepting members â–º
Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba â–º



Monday Maintenance 212

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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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