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It only takes one lazy AOL user to use the report spam button instead of the unsubscribe link at the end of your emails to create a huge hassle for you to keep sending to and AOL's feedback loop reports is a helpful tool to keep your mail flowing. How to sign up for AOL's feedback loop reports is what is what today's #maintenancemonday is all about.


- The speaker discusses signing up for AOL's Feedback Loop Reports for email deliverability improvement.
- The speaker is Tim Davis, a Joomla enthusiast, presenting in "Maintenance Monday Live Stream #039."
- Last week's episode covered GDPR requirements; this week's plan changed due to Joomla's upcoming version 3.9 release.
- Tim shares his struggle with email deliverability, particularly with AOL and Yahoo addresses.
- He sends out newsletters to around 22,000 subscribers every Thursday and Sunday.
- The issue arises when recipients mark emails as spam instead of unsubscribing, causing IP throttling and delayed deliveries.
- Tim uses MX Toolbox to monitor his IP's blacklist status, ensuring legitimate email activity.
- He recommends signing up for AOL's Feedback Loop (FBL) to receive notifications about spam reports.
- FBL helps identify complaints from AOL and Yahoo users, allowing prompt removal from mailing lists.
- Tim demonstrates how to request FBL access through AOL's Postmaster portal.
- Unique IP addresses are suggested to prevent negative impacts on email deliverability.
- He advises checking new IPs for blacklist status to avoid potential problems.
- The speaker also emphasizes the importance of using a domain with control over abuse, postmaster, or domain-related email addresses for FBL setup.
- The talk includes practical tips for managing email deliverability issues and maintaining a healthy email list.

Monday Maintenance 039


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Stageit for Joomla â–º    â€¢ First Look at Sta...  

Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba â–º    â€¢ How to Backup a J...  

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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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