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Here's a Joomla extension that automatically inserts read mores in your Joomla articles!


00:00 Introduction: Tim Davis introduces a new, free Joomla extension called Auto Read More, expressing his excitement about its functionality.

00:31 Plugin Overview: Tim provides an overview of the Auto Read More plugin, explaining that it automatically inserts "Read More" tags into Joomla articles.

01:08 Downloading and Installing the Plugin: Tim demonstrates the process of downloading the plugin, saving it to his computer, and installing it on a Joomla 5 site.

01:46 Plugin Configuration: He navigates to the system plugins section, finds the Auto Read More plugin, and shows how to configure its settings.

02:19 Demonstrating Basic Functionality: Tim displays four articles on his site, showing how the plugin inserts "Read More" tags into articles that don't have them.

03:33 Customization Options: Tim explains various customization options for the plugin, such as setting limits by characters, words, or paragraphs, and adding trimming text.

04:01 Changing Button Text: He demonstrates how to change the "Read More" button text to something different, like "Look, there is more."

04:36 Handling Existing Read More Tags: Tim tests the plugin's ability to ignore existing "Read More" tags in articles and notes a minor issue with line breaks.

05:14 Conclusion and Developer Interaction: Tim mentions his plan to inform the developer about the line break issue and concludes by encouraging viewers to subscribe for more tutorials.


Introduction: Tim Davis introduces the Auto Read More plugin, highlighting its ability to automate the insertion of "Read More" tags in Joomla articles.

Plugin Excitement: The plugin is free and highly effective, making Tim enthusiastic about its potential uses.

Plugin Overview: Auto Read More works on both Joomla 4 and 5, automatically adding "Read More" tags to articles.

Installation: Tim shows how to download, save, and install the plugin on a Joomla 5 site.

Configuration: He navigates to the system plugins section to find and configure the Auto Read More plugin.

Demonstration: Tim demonstrates the plugin by displaying four articles, three without "Read More" tags and one with, showing the plugin's automatic insertion feature.

Customization: The plugin allows customization based on characters, words, or paragraphs, and supports adding trimming text.

Button Text Change: Tim shows how to change the "Read More" button text to a custom message.

Handling Existing Tags: The plugin can ignore existing "Read More" tags, but Tim notes an issue with leftover line breaks.

Conclusion: Tim plans to report the issue to the developer and encourages viewers to subscribe for more Joomla tutorials.

Please send any feedback or bug reports or queries to;

Contact Tim Davis â–º This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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