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In this issue of Maintenance Monday we look how to empty the Joomla cache without logging into Joomla's admin area, and also how to set-up a cron job to empty the Joomla Cache. Both methods use Regular Lab's free Cache Cleaner plugin.



  • Tim Davis hosts "Maintenance Monday Live Stream #011" on YouTube.
    - He discusses the topic of emptying the Joomla cache without logging into the administrator area.
    - Tim experienced a site issue related to the cache and wants to set up automated cache cleaning.
    - He recommends using Regular Labs Cache Cleaner extension.
    - Tim demonstrates three methods:
    1. Creating a "Frontend secret URL" to dump the cache by visiting a specific URL with a secret word.
    2. Adding "&break=1" to the URL to clean the cache without calling for the page, preserving analytics.
    3. Setting up a cron job to automatically empty the cache at scheduled intervals.
    - Tim shares the code for creating a cron job and shows how to set it up in cPanel.
    - He mentions a membership giveaway and provides information on entering.
    - Tim concludes the livestream, expressing excitement for upcoming tutorials and changes at Cybersalt World Headquarters.

Monday Maintenance 011


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Here are some of the links mentioned in this Live Stream - and some others:

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Joomla Training Cohort â–º â–º

MigrateMe 4 â–º

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Better Frontend Link â–º

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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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