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The robots.txt file in your Joomla site is an important tool for protecting your site from crawlers and bots - well the honest ones anyway. A basic look at how to edit the robots.txt file in your Joomla site is what this Maintenance Monday is all about.



Sure, here's a summarized version of the transcript:

- Video about controlling "robots.txt" file in Joomla.
- Hosted on the "Basic Joomla Tutorials" YouTube channel.
- Host: Tim Davis, a Joomla fan.
- Video explains the purpose and usage of "robots.txt" in Joomla.
- Robots.txt is a file in the root folder of a Joomla installation.
- Informs search engines which parts of the site to index and which to exclude.
- Used to prevent certain content from being displayed in search results.
- Search engines generally honor the file, but some malicious bots might not.
- General advice: If you don't want something online, don't put it on the internet.
- Demonstrates manual editing of the "robots.txt" file through cPanel and hosting.
- Explains how to allow or disallow access to specific folders for search engines.
- Demonstrates using "MySites Guru" to check and fix the "robots.txt" file.
- Suggests considering how to use "robots.txt" to control site appearance in search results.
- Q&A session with viewers at the end.

Please note that the provided text is a condensed summary and might not include every detail from the original transcript.

 Monday Maintenance 106


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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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