The Joomla Training Cohort has been launched!

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Following last week's video on the Error Reporting Levels in Joomla 4, here is some more information and a kind reminder to programmers and developers alike!


00:00 - Introduction with background music

00:35 - Introduction to Tim Davis and his Joomla services

01:10 - Sponsorship message for and its services

01:43 - Explaining Joomla 3 error reporting levels: system default, none, simple, maximum, development

02:22 - Insight from Brian Tiemann about Joomla 3 error reporting levels maximum and development being identical

02:44 - Discussing Joomla 4 error reporting levels and the usage of "development" despite not being in the dropdown

03:16 - Tim's perspective on the redundancy of the "development" setting in Joomla 4 and advocating for using "maximum"

03:51 - Tim's advice on using "maximum" for error reporting to avoid potential future changes in Joomla

04:29 - Addressing developers to consider the usability perspective of everyday users and their reliance on UI elements

05:03 - Tim's offer for developers to test their extensions from a user perspective for better usability

05:41 - Conclusion with summary advice on error reporting levels and call to subscribe to the channel




Introduction with background music:

Video starts with background music, setting the tone for the tutorial.

Introduction to Tim Davis and his Joomla services:

Tim Davis introduces himself and invites viewers to contact him for Joomla-related services.

Sponsorship message for and its services:

Tim promotes, offering a free site audit and subscription discount with a coupon code.

Explaining Joomla 3 error reporting levels:

Overview of error reporting options in Joomla 3: system default, none, simple, maximum, and development.

Insight from Brian Tiemann about Joomla 3 error reporting levels:

Brian Tiemann's input that in Joomla 3, "maximum" and "development" error reporting levels are identical.

Discussing Joomla 4 error reporting levels:

Explanation that in Joomla 4, despite "development" not appearing in the dropdown, manually setting error reporting to "development" still works.

Tim's perspective on error reporting settings in Joomla 4:

Tim discusses the potential redundancy of the "development" setting in Joomla 4 and advises using "maximum" for future-proofing.

Addressing developers about user perspective:

Tim urges developers to consider the usability perspective of everyday users who rely on intuitive UI elements.

Tim's offer to test extensions from a user perspective:

Tim offers to test developers' extensions to provide feedback on usability from a user's standpoint.

Conclusion with summary advice on error reporting levels:

Tim concludes by recommending using "maximum" for error reporting settings in Joomla configuration files and encourages viewers to subscribe to the channel.

Please send any feedback or bug reports or queries to;

Contact Tim Davis â–º This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Joomla Training Cohort â–º

JTC has been launched and is now accepting members â–º
Backing Up Your Joomla Site with Akeeba â–º



Monday Maintenance 231

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Written by:
Tim Davis is the founder and owner of Cybersalt.
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